Monday, April 25, 2011

Takers & Leavers

Sneak Peak at My Senior Show

 Counerfietire Print

I know you can't see the other side at this angle but this is a front and back print of a dollar bill that I pulled from my drag racing tire that I carved the front and back of a one dollar bill into. The tire (Counterfietire) is printing great and I hope to have more images of it as it is in my show.

Blind Eye

This is "Blind Eye" it is a railroad spike stabbing through the top of the pyramid of the all seeing eye you can find on a one dollar bill. I have read that cultures work best in small tribe like groups. I think that America has gotten too big to be able to take care of everyones financial and personal needs. The railroad spike represents manifest destiny and the size of America stabbing a symbol of currency causing it to bleed gold blood.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I put this up a couple of months ago thinking it was pretty funny, but apparently some city workers did not think it was as funny as i did and took it down 3 days after i put it up. At least i got this picture of him.

Post No Bills Group Shot

Heres a group shot of some of the people who came to skateboard inside a gallery at 17 Cox Gallery.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


this is an old drag racing tire that I have carved the front and back of a one dollar bill into, and an example of the print i pulled from it.

Hell Cat

Heres my latest skateboard its made out of 1/4 inch diamond plate steel.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Post No Bills at 17 Cox Gallery

untitled wood cuts (Jake Cassevoy)

Gravity 1 and 2 (Kevin Quinn)

Wall Mural (Jake Cassevoy)

Sawboard (Kevin Quinn)
Heres a few images of work from Jake Cassevoy and I from our show at 17 Cox Gallery in Beverly MA.

my studio at the moment